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丹城中文学校综合知识系列讲座之十 —

发布时间:2017年12月29日 来源:丹城中文学校



         丹城中文学校创办于1998年,明年2018年1月18号将迎来丹城中文学校建校二十周年的日子!当初的中文学校仅仅在Aurora的一间华人教会开启了一个班十几名学生,如今学校发展到三个校区400多名在校生,并数十人的教职工团队。丹城中文学校风雨历程20年,经历了财务状况和租赁场地的多种多样的困难。但源于一份对教育的执念!源于一份对中国文化的信仰! 20年以来,丹城中文学校团队紧密团结,风雨兼程,并肩奋斗,把学校办的有声有色,蓬勃壮大,得到美国社会的认可,得到华裔人的好评。这里是一个大家庭!这里充满凝聚力!在这里你可以看到辛苦劳作的教职员工!在这里你可以看到默默无闻不计报酬的义工团队!在这里你可以听到孩子们朗朗读书声!在这里你可以看到家长们欣慰的笑容!






(English translation by Xiuping Wang)

As a newcomer to Denver, I was intrigued by an article in a Chinese newspaper about Denver Chinese School (DCS). I then had the honor to meet Huiliang Liu, an elegant, humorous, and articulate scholar, President and founder of Denver Chinese School.

On a beautiful sunny afternoon, together with DCS staff members and high school students, I attended Mr. Liu’s very informative and inspiring presentation on the history and development of Denver Chinese School to reflect on the past, to scrutinize the current, and to prepare for the future.

DCS was founded in 1998 and will celebrate her 20th anniversary on January 18, 2018. From originally a single class sheltered in a Chinese church in Aurora, DCS has vigorously and steadily evolved into the largest and most impactful Chinese school in Colorado of 3 campuses with 400 students, 80 staff members and teachers, tens of past and present principals, and hundreds of volunteers. With a strong belief in and a great passion for the education of the Chinese language and culture, the DCS team triumphs over challenges and turns them into opportunities time and time again, gaining respect and reputation from all aspects of the society. Over the past 20 years, DCS not only functions as a Chinese educational and cultural center, it has become a platform where Chinese Americans work cohesively to serve, enrich, and influence the greater community.

The Chinese New Year Celebration hosted by DCS especially, has become an annual festivity essential for Colorado’s multi culture and a signature of DCS, entertaining thousands of Coloradans, engaging prominent political figures, and providing opportunities for business men and women. 15 years of perseverance unfailingly bestows upon Chinese Americans the warmest greetings of the season.

We sincerely appreciate DCS’ sponsors and volunteers for their continuous support and expect our next generation to cherish the Chinese heritage and learning opportunities. We anticipate Denver Chinese School taking more important roles in developing and enhancing our communities. We hope for better and closer cooperations and collabrations between US and China, the two largest economies of the world.