美国高中教育- SAT Subject Tests (SAT II) (完整版)
SAT Tests对美国高中生来说不会陌生, 今天这里要讲的是 SAT Subject Tests, 也就是通常意义所指的 SAT II Tests。分以下这几个部分来介绍:
(一)At a Glance
(二)Why Take the Tests
(三)When to Take the Tests
(四)How to Prepare for the Tests
(五)How to Choose Your Tests
(六)Colleges that Use the Tests
(一)At a Glance
From the official CollegeBoard website:
SAT Subject Tests are college admission exams on specific subjects. These are the only national admission tests where you choose the tests that best showcase your strengths and interests.
You may have heard that the SAT has been redesigned. But the SAT Subject Tests are staying the same, for now.
The Basics
There are 20 SAT Subject Tests in five general subject areas: English (English Literature), history (U.S. History, World History), languages (Spanish, Spanish with Listening, French, French with Listening, Chinese with Listening, Italian, German, German with Listening, Modern Herew, Latin, Japanese with Listening, Korean with Listening), mathematics (Math Level 1, Math Level 2) and science (Biology E/M, Chemistry, Physics).
Each Subject Test is an hour long. They are all multiple-choice and scored on a 200–800 scale.
Subject Tests test you on your knowledge of subjects on a high school level. The best way to prepare is to take the relevant courses and work hard in them.
When, Where, and How
SAT Subject Tests are generally given six times in any given school year, on the same days and in the same test centers as the SAT — but not all 20 tests are offered on every SAT date. Find out when specific tests will be given (https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat-subject-tests/register/test-dates-deadlines).
The Language with Listening tests are only offered in November.
You can take one, two, or three Subject Tests on any test date.
You can’t take the SAT and an SAT Subject Test on the same day.
Some SAT Subject Tests require you to bring special equipment — for example, CD players for Language with Listening tests.
You choose what tests to take when you register, but on test day, you can add, subtract, or switch tests — with some limitations
(二)Why Take the Tests - 为何要考 SAT Subject Tests
参加 SAT Subject Tests 的考试,其重要性可能比你想像的要多的多。
From the official CollegeBoard Website:
Colleges May Require Subject Tests
Some colleges require or recommend that you take SAT Subject Tests, especially if you’re applying to take specific courses or programs. See a list of colleges that require, recommend, or consider Subject Tests.
Stand Out in College Admissions
Even colleges that don’t require Subject Tests may accept them and use them in admission to get a more complete picture of applicants. By sending Subject Test scores to colleges, you can showcase your strengths. See a list of colleges that require, recommend, or consider Subject Tests.
Show Colleges Your Interests
You can send a strong message to colleges about your interest in specific majors or programs — and how ready you are to tackle the work.
Fulfill Requirements or Get Credit
Some colleges use Subject Tests to place students into the appropriate courses. Depending on your test scores, you might be able to fulfill basic requirements or get credit for introductory-level courses.
Show What You’ve Learned Outside the Classroom
Have you taken a summer program, weekend classes, or an online course — or studied a subject on your own? Taking a Subject Test is one way to show the skills and understanding you gained.
Play to Your Strengths
Some types of students can especially benefit from taking SAT Subject Tests.
ESL students: If English is not your best language, SAT Subject Tests may be even more important for you. They let you show your abilities in subject areas that don’t depend so much on your mastery of English, such as math and science — and, of course, other languages.
International students: As mentioned above, if your English is not strong, you can use Subject Tests to show your academic strength in math, science, or other languages. Also, many international colleges use Subject Tests to make decisions about admission or placement, so taking the tests gives you more opportunities. And taking Subject Tests can help you see how well you’ve learned the subject matter compared to other students around the world.
Bilingual or multilingual students: If you speak a language other than English, SAT Subject Tests are a great opportunity for you to show your skills. You may be able to fulfill foreign language competency requirements for some colleges. Be sure to check policies on SAT Subject Tests in foreign languages for the colleges you are interested in.
Home-schooled students: Some colleges require or recommend SAT Subject Tests for home-schooled applicants to get a better idea of their college readiness. And taking SAT Subject Tests can help you see how well you’ve learned the subject matter compared to other students around the country and the world.
(三)When to Take the Tests - 何时应该考 SAT Subject Tests
在整个高中其间,你应该在完成学科学习后马上参加考试,这样所学知识还在脑海中,复习起来效果会更好。如果时机成熟,高中九年级或十年级时都可以参加考试,千万不要认为需要等到十一年级才可以去考。通常来说,在学完学校的荣誉课程后,就可以参加 SAT Subject Tests, 但有许多学生会在完成 AP 课程后再去考 SAT Subject Tests。不管怎样,SAT Subject Tests 和荣誉课程与 AP 课程所涵盖的内容会有些许差别,复习备考时需要注意。
From the official CollegeBoard Website:
In general, you should take SAT Subject Tests right after you’ve completed the recommended classes, because the material will still be fresh in your mind. In some cases, this may mean spring of your freshman or sophomore year. For the language tests, however, it’s best to take these tests after you’ve studied the language for at least two years.
Go to specific Subject Test pages to check the recommended preparation guidelines for a test and make sure you’ve completed the recommended course work.
Since not all Subject Tests are offered on every test date, check to see when the Subject Tests that you’re interested in are offered.
If you’re thinking of applying early decision or early action to any college, note that many colleges advise that you take the SAT Subject Tests by October or November of your senior year. For regular decision applications, some colleges will accept SAT Subject Test scores through the January administration. Check with the college you’re interested in to find out its deadlines.
Not sure when you should schedule your SAT Subject Tests? Talk to your school counselor or teacher to figure out the timing that works best for you.
(四)How to Prepare for the Tests - 如何备考
因为 SAT Subject Tests 是在高中课程程度的基础上设立的,所以最好的备考方法其实是,在学校认真学习相关的课程,融会贯通所学的知识,这样你已经完成了80% 的备考过程。当然在选择学校课程时要尽量选择荣誉课程,通常荣誉课程里所学的知识应该足够应付考试,但因为美国的高中教育每个学校标准不一样,学生更愿意在完成 AP 课程后再去考试。不管怎样,SAT Subject Tests 和荣誉课程与 AP 课程所涵盖的内容会有些许差别,复习备考时需要注意。除了学校的课本外,最有效的复习资料是 Barron's 和 Princeton Review 出版的复习书,在购买复习资料时要注意购买最新版本。
From the official CollegeBoard Website:
Because the SAT Subject Tests are based on high school course work, the best way to prepare for them is by learning the material taught in the corresponding classes and using the textbooks that you’re already using for those classes.
If you’re doing well in these courses or taking advanced level courses (such as honors, dual enrollment, Advanced Placement, IB), Subject Tests are an excellent opportunity for you to show your understanding of the subject area.
To get complete information about the format and topics covered on each Subject Test, see each specific test page in the Subjects section (https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat-subject-tests/subjects). You’ll also find free online practice as well as free downloadable practice questions and answer explanations on each page.
You can also buy affordable SAT Subject Test practice tools to get familiar with the tests. These include:
The Official Study Guide for all SAT Subject Tests (available through College Board’s online store (https://store.collegeboard.org/sto/productdetail.do?Itemkey=009751))
The Official SAT Subject Tests in Mathematics Levels 1 & 2 Study Guide (available through College Board’s online store (https://store.collegeboard.org/sto/productdetail.do?track=satsite&Itemkey=007727))
The Official SAT Subject Tests in U.S. and World History Study Guide (available through College Board’s online store (https://store.collegeboard.org/sto/productdetail.do?track=satsite&Itemkey=007697))
(五)How to Choose Your Tests - 如何选择考试科目
在理想的状态下,每个高中学生应该选择两门 SAT Subjects 进行考试,通常建议是数学和另一门其它科目。学生也应该按照理想大学的要求来选择科目进行考试,有些大学不要求 SAT Subject Tests, 而另一些却要求三门 SAT Subject Tests。学生更应该考虑所学专业适当选择科目。
From the official CollegeBoard Website:
Think About Your Interests and Strengths
The SAT Subject Tests that you take should be based on your interests and academic strengths. The tests are a great way to show colleges your interest in specific majors or programs of study (e.g., engineering, pre-med, cultural studies), and to highlight your strong points.
Research College Requirements or Recommendations
You should also consider whether the colleges that you’re interested in require or recommend a specific Subject Test to enter a program or major. Remember, even if a college does not require Subject Test scores, submitting your scores may enhance your college application. See a list of colleges that require, recommend, or consider Subject Tests (https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat-subject-tests/about/institutions-using).
Some colleges will grant an exemption from or credit for a freshman course requirement if a student does well on a particular SAT Subject Test. Check with the college you’re interested in about its policies.
Consider Your Classroom Experience
Be sure to explore the Subjects (https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat-subject-tests/subjects) section to see if you’ve completed the recommended course work for a specific test — and to practice for free, online or with downloadable resources.
(六)Colleges that Use the Tests - 哪些大学要求考试
From the official CollegeBoard Website:
The webpage address (https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat-subject-tests/about/institutions-using) shows you a compilation of institutions that indicated, on the Annual Survey of Colleges, that they require, recommend, or consider SAT Subject Tests in admissions for the school years 2014-16. Institutions that have been found to use SAT Subject Tests during the SAT Program’s internal review have also been included.
Note: You should contact the colleges directly, including ones not listed below, for the most accurate and up-to-date Subject Test policies.